22 public Option(
string name,
ArgumentType argType,
char value,
string description =
""): this(name, argType, (int)value, description) {}
47 public string?
Name {
set; }
Enumeration containing the argument types possible for getopt.
Represents a single long option for getopt.
Option(string name, ArgumentType argType, int value, string description="")
Constructs a new instance of this struct with an int as the value type.
string? Description
The description of the option.
Constructs a new, empty instance of this struct.
Option(string name, ArgumentType argType, char value, string description="")
Constructs a new instance of this struct with a char as the value type.
int Value
The value (short opt) for the option.
string? Name
The name of the (long) option.