A complete C++ wrapper around socketcan.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Csockcanpp::CanDriverCanDriver class; handles communication via CAN
 Csockcanpp::CanIdRepresents a CAN ID in a simple and easy-to-use manner
 Csockcanpp::CanMessageRepresents a CAN message that was received
 Csockcanpp::exceptions::CanCloseExceptionAn exception that may be thrown when an error occurs while closing a CAN socket
 Csockcanpp::exceptions::CanExceptionAn exception that may be thrown when an error occurs while closing a CAN socket
 Csockcanpp::exceptions::CanInitExceptionAn exception that may be thrown when an error occurred while initialising a CAN socket
 Csockcanpp::exceptions::InvalidSocketExceptionAn exception that may be thrown when an error occurs while closing a CAN socket